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I admit that I didn't imagine that I would like this game so much! I liked it so much that I got to all the endings in a few minutes, the characters were so interestingly written that I felt the time I spent playing go by so quickly and so fluidly, I also didn't imagine that this game would have so many incredible plots, I had a great time even in a short demo! I have already recommended this game to a friend who also likes this type of game and you can be sure that I will recommend it to other people in the future! I wish you success and hope that one day you can complete the game, I would buy it for sure! :D

(1 edit) (+6)

I love the Demo and can't wait to see how it is expanded upon. The way you wrote Thaumo is a very interesting and unique way to perpetuate the Male Yandere trope. I would also like to say that I LOVE Themo (both artistically and personality-wise) and really hope that they are going to be a pursuable love interest when (or if) the Female Yandere selection becomes available.

However, I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT RUSH OR OVERWORK YOURSELF WHEN CREATING THIS! It always breaks my heart to see artists and writers stress themselves out over their work because of feeling the need to please their fans as quick as possible, take your time and make sure to take regular breaks and focus on your own health (after all, us writers have a reputation for having a questionable mental health), so make sure you are happy and prioritise yourself before your work, we want what is best for you, even if that means the VN will take longer to release.

Stay safe and take care! <3

Edit: Holy shit! Did not know you worked in vascular surgery, take as long as you need to, that work environment must be stressful and excruciating!


Thank you so so much for your comment!! I can’t express enough how much it means to me, and I’m so incredibly happy that you enjoyed my characters and demo 💕 

Thank you so much for your support and understanding as well! My work schedule is quite demanding (lately I’ve been called in a lot and had many 65-70 hour work weeks), so my progress here is often very slow due to limited time outside of work 😅

But I absolutely love working on this project!! It’s been a learning process, but so much fun for me.

I’ve been super behind on checking comments here, but I really appreciate all of your kind words so much. I hope you are staying safe, taking care of yourself, and prioritizing your health and happiness as well 💕 


Of course, your safety and well being matter more than anything else, I know how much of a pain the medical field can be! Please don’t feel pressured about the progress—what you’ve already created is incredible, and your well-being should always come first. It’s amazing that you find joy in your project, even with your hectic schedule, and your dedication is so inspiring. I hope you’re finding moments to rest and recharge! Keep being amazing, and know that your hard work is deeply appreciated 💕✨


I think I am in love. I don't even know who I like more between Nalis and Thaumo, I just want to put them both in a jar and keep them on my shelf. Basing the characters on marine animals is such a cool concept. I will patiently (kinda) wait for next updates! Keep it up!


Thank you so much!! I am so happy that you enjoy my characters. You are more than welcome to keep them in a jar 💕

I had to take a bit of a break as work got busy, I took a vacation to visit some friends, and I put together a new PC to replace my old laptop I was working on. But I am slowly making progress on the next part of the game again, and I’m really excited about how it’s going!! I’ll absolutely keep it up 💪😤


I'm more than happy to wait, and I think everybody here feels the same (´◡`) don't push yourself too hard! Super excited for what's to come!


Supa cute! I loved the little details of world building and how Thaumo is written! I'm already invested into the characters and I can't wait to see what the MC's workplace is hiding! 


This was amazing! I love all of the twists and turns and characterization already.


Loving this! I also love how Thaumo blushes blue....octoboy indeed!




What great demo with so much content already! I already feel like I know the characters so well already yet the mystery being set up with Nalis is already so intriguing. I have such a soft spot for Thaumo. You can definitely feel how desperate he is for every interaction with MC. Lovely writing and fantastic art, beautiful job~


I just realized that their names are actually based on the marine animal's scientific name. Thats actually very creative! Waiting for more content from the creator^-^ <3


this game is sooo interesting i definitely recommend playing!


That's great! I love yandere ! I look forward to the next update♥


this game is really good omg


This game was really good. I really like the ML in it.  I hope to see more of this game in the near future!

(1 edit) (+2)

This game is a masterpiece to me already, literally such good characters and world building too! The story even has a few plottwists.


i just reached the Thaumo killing a dude then HIM SEEING US, and telling my screen to GO. but amazing blood!

also, how im i going to go back to work tomorrow?


omg im in love with this game! cant wait for more ^^


i love this game so much! having to deal with 2 yanderes is a dream and thaumo is so cute, in a crazy way lol

anyway, amazing work! i look forward to the next update!


aa, i love this so far!!~ I love the sea critter aspects of the humans, it's rlly cute n creative
honestly so excited for any possible updates<3
i adore these characters~


It took me about three run-throughs to figure out why Orca would be so laissez-faire about Thaumo's authority, however, I knew something was going to be interesting in that regard when I read that Thaumo is a mimic octopus. I like the concept here, it's really interesting! A strange disease affecting a population of fish-people hybrids. I'm really into the whole vibe, it feels very H.P. Lovecraft to me, but that might just be because of the fish-people. It took a bit of work to get ending 4, and honestly I think it was worth it. Ending 2 was the strangest to me because it was seemingly written from the perspective of someone with NO self-preservation instinct whatsoever, but I can also understand that I might not be in full control of all my faculties after seeing a person fuckin' ani-morph into another person and stab a sea cucumber man. Ending 3 is the most interesting to me personally, it made me think the lunch talk with Nalis was strange, particularly because of a specific phrase used during both the lunch encounter and the ending. I'm trying my best not to write toooooooo many spoilers in this comment, because I know people sometimes read the comments before playing the game and I just think this game is really worth playing and trying to dissect (no pun intended). Anyway, rant over, can't wait for more!



(2 edits) (+8)

''22 cm taller than you''

BRO IS 7'3??? is bro slenderman?


I think you're just really tall already. 22cm is 8 .66 inches which would mean you're 6'5" O-O





I didn't want to say anything in case I was wrong ^-^'


tremo sent me on a wild hunt to figure out what kind of sea creature she was based on. blanket octopus, i think?


You are doing great and i hope at some point this can be on android.


"22cm taller than you"

..bro is 6'9ft?


for me he's 5'6 lolol


help im in love with nalis I NEEEEEEED MOORREEEEEE




This is delicious! I love the slightly strange world you drop us into and the way it all comes together... kind of. I can't wait to play more of it,  but what you have here is chock full of yandere goodness.



For some reason it won't let me add the rest of the comment after the video, anyway, I had a lot of fun with this game, I accidentally guessed the twist but was still twisted up again!! Deceit is the right word for all these shenanigans! I like how "puppy dog" like Thaumo is, and I'm super curious as to what really is going on!


Aaaa this was amazing!! i cant wait for this to get updated


super cool game and concept!! i'm excited to see where this goes! (i think nalis is neat too tehe)


This game looked so good!! I can't even play it cuz i have an android ( 。゚Д゚。)


Same >: I had to watch a video


Hope to see more very soon, I am greatly intrigued thus far

(1 edit) (+3)

Such a great game! I loved how it made you question your reality and feel suspicious towards all the characters. There were so many different routes to take and I really enjoyed trying to find all of the different interactions and endings. The art style is beautiful and the plot is intriguing. The suggestive scenes/dialogue were mild but added sexual tension between characters. I would have loved to see more, hopefully more will be added in the future. I LOVEEEE both male leads. Although I think Nalis is winning my heart over <3 I can't wait to see how the story unfolds in the full game!


going to get the rest of the endings but this is so good 10/10

Warning! Long comment with SPOILERS!

I say this from the bottom of my heart I LOVE THIS I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!! You did so well, you did amazing and you're working really hard and deserve to be told just how much of a good job you did.

First off, the demo was just so pretty. The character designs, the UI(?) color options, and the memory?? Pure genius and definitely not easy. Both in a game developer and writer standpoint. I would love to see more of the backstories. I'm more then positive that the disease is connected to Thaumo and our starfish- 'friend'...

Secondly, the world building is just incredible. I suck at marine biology but everything you wrote on it was easy to understand so props on that. The disease paired up with the double implication of MC being kept in the dark is also a very nice touch in writing. (The secrecy of the experiments and the yanderes' competitive gaslighting). Also what exactly is the limit on what animals people are connected to? Does it include all marine animals or does it stop at the cephalopod area? I just wanna imagine a animal for me but I have like 0 clue as to where to start lol

Third, the characters! Tremo is adorable and I'm loving her friendship and stoicness. Especially the line with the email where she's just like 'You leaving? As if. It's not legal for you to quit.'

Now Nalis was a surprise. I initially thought he was just going to be a good friend/main shield/biggest target for Thaumo but then I remembered the description of it being 2 yanderes so I kept a watchful eye. My first ending was his as I made the sole mistake of choosing 'question Thaumo' (I thought the convincing option was us trying to convince Thaumo not to kill us which is what those options typically mean) so I was super surprised when he showed up in the apartment.

I really did think he was Thaumo until he made that blushing expression which was a vast difference to Thaumo's blushing expression. The dialogue, tone, choices provided by Nalis (let's keep it simple lol) all did not seem like Thaumo at all. One of the biggest things was Thaumo's hate for our attention not being on Thaumo himself. Especially when he said 'maybe if you listened to Nalis...' There ain't no way Thaumo could say that without it the disgust being present in some form.

Overall Nalis is interestingly pathetic in his own way which I'm super excited to see and handle as his smirking blushing face makes me wanna see just how far I can push him and watch how he changes and deteriorates into his obsession.

FINALLY I can get to my ABOSOLUTE FAVORITE - THAUMOOOOO Let me just start by saying that you have fed my dying thirst for pathetic yandere men. I got his bad ending first and I was just replaying it with my mind on loop. So many possibilities with his mimcry, so many questions I can ask about that...

I adore his blue blush and his whole demeanor while on the cafe date was just adorable. I did catch that quick utensil thing and it just made me wonder what else he licked in our apartment. His sopping wet kitten personality meowing so pitifully for attention would have me hook line and sinker 100%. And half of it is because there is no way in hell I could resist giving all my physical affection to the first person who would actually want it.

Not counting his endearing pathetic traits, I'm quite fond of how direct he is once found out. I always love when the MC is in this tug of war/leash relationship once a yandere is found out. And I especially love how this is when the MC finally has something only they know about as everything else is basically blocked from them.

After I unlocked the section for his good endings I made sure to save the 'test' option for last as I was praying it would be what I hoped it would be. (I'm so glad I was right) And when I got to it, it's like my mind legit exploded. All I could imagine was making that situation 10x worse by getting real close to his face, letting my breath fan his lips while whispering his name or any pet name to purposefully push him into that overstimulated desperate frenzy. IT WOULD BE SO GOOD.


i love thaumo so bad im going crazy


It looks so good i wanna play it >_< (im on android °Д°)


Can't wait for the full release:)


I love the sea creature theme, that's so unique! and not to mention the story is SO GOOD, cannot wait for the full release!


I love this game smmm, I can't wait for the full release, thank you a lot!! ((I love both, but thaumo is so pretty omgkgmg))


love this game. the characters , the story , the world building, its so interesting , cant wait till the game gets fully released

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